Man tries to sell Adele air on eBay

Australia became a little bit obsessed with the recent Adele tour, but we think things are starting to go too far.

A man has taken to eBay trying to sell ‘a legit bag of air’ from Adele’s Adelaide concert on the March 13.

EBay vendor Shaun McDonough has listed the starting price at $14.95.

“Grab a piece of history for your Adele collection. A true fan must have this air. Bid now for a bargin (sic),” the listing reads.

Adele performed before 70,000 fans at the Adelaide concert.

The item has not attracted any bids as of midday March 22, but there is still plenty of time as the closing date for bids is Sunday, March 26.

What is the craziest thing you have bought on eBay?


Maybe people are concerned about which end Adele's air came from??


I don't know what everybody sees in Adele. Yes, she does have a good voice but so does a lot of other women. She just happens to have a good promotions team. When she talks I cringe, that accent is terrible. I wonder why she has worn that same dress at all of her concerts, and she doesn't wins any points from me when the "F" words fly out of her mouth all of the time. Sorry, just not a fan. 

I have NO idea why they think she is so great --- and if I had to pay to go and watch ANY show on TV  -- at the venue --- because I was so far from the stage they could stick it -- what absolute rubbish -- some --no a LOT of people are easy ripped off

Not so easily 'ripped off' PlanB. No-one has actually bid yet!

KSS  I was meaning paying to go and watch anyone on stage and having to be so far away you have to have a screen to see them -- madness IMO

Shaun McDonough seems very enterprising

Would be good to know which end the air came from as Reagan suggests LOL

Who's Adele?

Selling the Sydney Harbour Bridge with a modern twist. Charge the silly b***** with false pretenses. I'd like to see him prove the provenence of the air.

Still time to bid on it now .... good to know it is free postage

Who is Adele?


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